DSCC Hits Chambliss on Combustible Dust  

I've been trying to go to sleep for about 45 minutes now. The computer died, had to reboot, and no, no bed for me, because I can't not put up this DSCC ad:

There is some controversy over the concept of drafting and enforcing combustible dust standards. Critics have pointed out that OSHA can use current cleanliness shop standards to ensure safe workplaces. It's true, if OSHA were fully funded and staffed, maybe that'd be the case. And yeah, putting out new standards may take time and just because you have them doesn't mean that industry will actually obey them or that OSHA would be able to enforce them since they still aren't fully staffed or funded. I do understand the arguments, even the ones I've not included here, but I look at how the standards on grain dust have been used and that is what sways me toward standards. My dad works in a factory. I don't want to pick up the phone one day to hear the shop had a massive explosion, an explosion that could have been avoided through measures that have been in use for more than 25 years where grain is concerned.

You can read all about the DSCC efforts on this front on Dailykos.

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  • John Astad  
    12:15 AM

    The OSHA Grain Facility Standard needs some fine tuning in addition to governmental review. Over the past year, through media accounts, 13 grain facility explosions occurred resulting in workplace injuries.

    Additionally, dozens more of grain facility combustible dust explosions have occurred over the past three decades since the OSHA standard was implemented.

    Only when all stakeholders throughout the public and private sectors are involved in providing input to an OSHA comprehensive general industry combustible dust standard will combustible dust related fires and explosions be properly addressed in minimizing the occurrence and reducing the severity of future incidents.

  • bendygirl  
    4:13 PM

    Agreed, it isn't a black and white issue about regulation or standards. I do think that the grain standards are better than in the past, I grew up across from a horse ram that went up in fire from combustible hay. Greatfully, no one was in the barn (huge arena) at the time, however, all the horses died.

    I think that we all need to know more and work toward better working conditions. In the end, I'm glad the issue is getting air play especially in the Senate race in Georgia. It something that does need to be addressed.

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