United We BARGAIN, Divided We BEG
written by bendygirl
at Saturday, March 29, 2008
I found this on the Detroit Craigslist. I need to read more. I just always forget about the forum on that site.
a Question to the American Axle basher(s)
Reply to: pers-620487808@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-03-27, 11:26AM EDT
I could not agree with you more.Thank you for a very well thought,well written post.
a Question to the American Axle basher(s)
Reply to: pers-620453243@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-03-27, 10:57AM EDT
I'm just wondering What would your reaction be if YOUR boss approached you and said, "I am going to cut your pay by 60%. Because of MY excessive salary, benifits, and bonuses, plus MY ineptitude, the company is experiencing finacial problems and we cannot afford to pay YOU -the guy who does the work- a living wage. Not only am I going to ruin your life by cutting your wages to a third of what they are now but in 3 months I am going to issue myself a bonus of about 3 million dollars for saving the company money".
Okay, so maybe that is a little extreme. Although management doesn't say those exact words it is what's happening.
Honestly, why does an American CEO deserve a compansation package of 10 million and more?
What does Ford's CEO do that he warrents $39MILLION a year PLUS BONUSES?
Isn't this insane?
How many of you reading this made more than $50K last year? It just IS NOT FAIR that the head of the company is going to make about 400 TIMES what you make.
Instead of attacking me and my fellow Union represented workers, you should be finding a way to join us, to become union members. IF you had the benifits and protection we have, you would probably be greatful instead of hateful.
United we Bargain, Divided we Beg.
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PostingID: 620487808