AFL-CIO Hiring Now
written by bendygirl
at Friday, January 30, 2009
Here's the info:
AFL-CIO Field Communicator
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Duration: Six-month to a year
Salary: Approx. $625 per week plus benefits
Location: Various targeted states
Start Date: Immediate
The AFL-CIO field communicators will help drive public opinion and marshall community and union member support for the Employee Free Choice Act in key states.
The field communicators are full-time staff who work in the field in key states, through the local bodies of the AFL-CIO, to do communications at an external and internal level as part of the larger legislative and member mobilization campaign of the Employee Free Choice Act.
Duties include:
Track public communications around the Employee Free Choice Act in state and implement rapid response, when necessary;
Proactively work to place positive pieces on Employee Free Choice Act from labor leaders and allies;
Identify current and potential allies in the community (i.e. academic, religious, civil rights, labor side attorneys, etc.) and work to develop as spokespeople;
Identify reporters in state likely to write on Employee Free Choice Act and establish relationship, set up meetings with leaders, etc.;
Do media outreach surrounding events to support Employee Free Choice Act;
Identify workers with stories that highlight why the legislation is necessary and develop them as spokespeople.
Work with state federation, central labor councils and AFL-CIO regional staff on public messaging, and on statewide communications strategy. May include some training;
Work with local union publications to help with member education and encourage locals to use Working Families Toolkit newsletter and website tools - in some cases, develop blogs. Work with state feds and clcs to develop internal capacity to use tools;
Write weekly leadership update/newsletter through GetActive Center centered around driving a conversation to the labor movement about the Employee Free Choice Act. Profile local unions, leaders, activists, retirees - -making the content using photos, videos, etc.
Create and edit video and photos supporting the Employee Free Choice Act fight reinforcing the core message;
Using all communication vehicles to build an echo chamber for reinforcing field program activity (worksite leafeting, phones, walks, etc around Employee Free Choice Act).
The field communicator should be an effective writer and communicator with a deep interest in addressing issues affecting working people.
Previous experience with unions, student labor coalitions, community organizations allied with labor or other labor-related organizations is a plus, but not a requirement.
People of color, bilingual applicants, and women are encouraged to apply.
Please send a cover letter describing your interest and qualifications for the position, a resume, and a writing sample (1000 words max) to Bernard Pollack at or to Bernard Pollack at the AFL-CIO Political Department, 815 Sixteenth Street, NW , Washington, D.C. 20006.