New Resource for the Unemployed
written by bendygirl
at Tuesday, April 07, 2009
A searchable database that uses zip codes. Kind of cool and I thought, let's share the news:
Working America and the AFL-CIO have put together a new site:
It's a massive database (closing in on 60,000 items and still growing) of resources for unemployed workers. Since unemployed/underemployed is now the biggest "job" category in the country, and unemployment rates just keep going up, this is a crisis for all working people and the Unemployment Lifeline is about dealing with that. In addition to the zip code searchable database of unemployment offices, nutritional and utility assistance information, affordable health clinics, child care, and so on, it includes forums for people to make connections with others who are unemployed, a wiki for strategies to get by, and, equally importantly, action alerts to give jobless workers the chance to fight back.
There's a diary up on Dailykos about it as well.